Everything else Meet The Team – Management 15/06/2021 When you think of WDL what do you think of? We’re hoping that you think of beautifully designed websites and competent digital marketers. However, that’s not all. We’re a team of people that work together to provide valued clients with the services that we are so well known for. Since the pandemic we, as a company, have taken steps to keep that close-knit feeling within the business; and we think that a great way to celebrate our hardworking team is to take a closer look at the special people that make WDL what it is. We asked our team a number of questions unrelated to website design and we got some very interesting answers! It turns out that just as expected, there’s more to some of our team than meets the eye. We asked the following four questions to each employee – you won’t believe some of the answers: If you weren’t working at WDL what would you be doing? What’s your favourite film? Do you have a hidden skill or talent? Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself? Elliot Smith – Managing Director If Elliot was not the Managing Director of the best Web Design agency out there (well that’s our opinion at least), he would have liked to work as a psychologist. The Italian Job would come in at the top of Elliot’s “must watch” list. In Fact, this is one Elliot is certain you should put on your own “must watch” list. If you know Elliot as well as we do, then you’ll know he loves buying cars. We’d go as far as saying he’s really good at buying cars, however not so good at selling them – this could be a problem when it comes to the limited parking at our new office. Elliot couldn’t think of an interesting fact when we asked him. In fact, the exact phrase he used was “F**** I’m boring”. Daniel Young – Head of Operations Daniel believes if it wasn’t for WDL he would be working as a post-production editor for film and TV or even a music studio engineer. Daniel is known at WDL for his attention to detail and we can really see him working in either of these jobs. Daniel’s favourite film is “It’s a Wonderful Life” because it’s life-affirming, leaving him with a smile on his face as the movie comes to a close. Our Head of Operations hidden talent took us by surprise. He really can balance all sorts of things on his nose (chairs, brooms, bottles…) whilst juggling – looks like WDL’s next away day is sorted! The balancing act doesn’t just stop there. Daniel’s interesting fact takes us back to the 1980’s where he used to do breakdancing. Abi Holeyman – Client Relationship Manager If Abi wasn’t working in Web Design she would have been a party planner! She absolutely loves organising parties or events and based on her project managing skills, we think she’d smash it! It puts her on edge when she’s not in charge of planning – perhaps Abi has been a Project Manager for too long (although we have no plans to let her go any time soon). Abi’s favourite film has to be The Parent Trap. She thinks she could probably recite the whole film from start to finish (isn’t this a hidden talent in itself?), she’s seen it so many times but can still watch it time and time again. Like Daniel, we think this should be another act for the WDL away day we are clearly putting together. Abi’s secret talent is Irish Dancing. Here’s something you didn’t know about our Project Manager, Abi has “weird, double-jointed, bendy” elbows. Is this a possible double act when combined with dancing? Andy – Creative and Marketing Lead Many of our clients have come across Andy in one area of work or another! If it wasn’t for web design, Andy says he could see himself thatching roofs (mind you not at the moment with that broken wrist). He has no idea why, but when he was younger it was something he always aspired to be. In typical “Andy” style, his thatched roof dreams were cut short due to suffering from hayfever. Andy is a big Quentin Tarantino fan, and although it might not be everybody’s choice, Django Unchained has to be his go-to. His hidden talent lies in the musical side of life. He claims to play the trumpet, although we believe it has sat in a cupboard for a couple of years, Andy is confident he could deliver a rousing rendition of “Oh when the saints” – not an offer we are keen to take him up on any time soon. When asked about an interesting fact Andy gave the following response; “I am a freeman of the borough of Colchester, which gives me unique powers such as the ability to chase polecats along Colchester High Street and graze my sheep on common land. Unfortunately, I don’t have any sheep and I’m yet to see a polecat outside Waterstones” Matt Beales – Technical Lead Matt’s chosen line of work would have been a video game developer/creative lead. He’s wanted to work in the video games industry from a very young age and would love to be involved in some way one day. His favourite film of all time was an incredibly difficult one to choose but Drive (2011) is the perfect package of grit, style, soundtrack and powerful performance (a very silent one by Ryan Gosling). We never knew Matt could “’pop” the top of his right ear out and keep it there – this is one we’re going to ask for in our next team meeting. Matt worked with Cancer Research UK for around 5 years, helping to raise over £100,000 for a local event. This really is a proud achievement for Matt – well done to you sir. And that brings the management sector of WDL to a close. We have some pretty “interesting” talents hidden amongst our decision-makers. If you like finding more out about the faces behind WDL then stay tuned as this is turning into a mini blog series – we’re meeting the developers next! More news Keep reading View all articles Why WooCommerce is the Best Choice for eCommerce Websites Using a custom domain for your business’ email address Close
Why WooCommerce is the Best Choice for eCommerce Websites Using a custom domain for your business’ email address