Everything else Stress Awareness Month – Coping With Stress Whilst Working Remotely 20/04/2020 Since 1992, April has been considered Stress Awareness Month. Each year, the dedicated month is intended to increase public awareness about stress, the causes, cures and coping mechanisms for all those that suffer. With the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing, this scary and uncertain period is a stressful time for all. If you are continuing to work remotely during this period, the looming feeling of doubt is ever-present and it may be hard to keep focussed. Talk to someone If you are feeling stressed, confide in those around you or pick up the phone to a family member, friend or colleague if you are living and working alone. Utilise video calling; talk about your worries and stresses, it’s likely those close to you are experiencing the same, unusual feelings and emotions. If working remotely and you are struggling with your work-load or something that you have been tasked with, express your concerns and find a work-around. Working from home can be a challenge at the best of times and it’s important to make things as simple and pain-free as possible. Talk to others; a problem shared is a problem halved! Be positive & rid of negative thoughts During this time of uncertainty, it’s important to remain self-motivated and optimistic about the coming days. Whilst in lock-down, the days seem to feel as though they merge into one but it’s key that we reflect on the positives of the situation rather than the negatives. Start your day with a positive outlook. Try to list 3 things, each morning, that you are thankful for in your life. Something as simple and seemingly insignificant as this can really lift your mood during the lockdown, especially whilst continuing to work from home. It’s certainly difficult to stay positive when everything seems like it’s falling apart but one thing to keep telling yourself is that we’re another day closer to normality! Be more active As our time out of the house is currently limited for exercise, we should really be making the most of that time. Stop work, get out and about (but a safe distance from others, of course) and clear your head. You don’t have to exercise like mad within your time out but a brisk walk in the fresh air can really do wonders towards clearing your mind and re-setting yourself to start work again, to settle down for the evening or even set you up positively for your day ahead, if you choose to go out first thing. Exercise is great for lifting your mood, so, if you feel as though you’re beginning to get cabin fever, make the most of your time outdoors, especially whilst we are being extremely lucky with the weather! Plan ahead and give yourself credit As a large number of people will be working remotely for the foreseeable, it’s important to maintain a consistent, yet flexible routine. As referenced in my previous post which can be found here, it’s important to start each day as if you were going into your workplace. Stick to a similar day/routine, where possible, to avoid procrastination or feeling like you’re working into oblivion. If you feel that you are struggling to manage your own time whilst working at home during this time, feel free to split your larger tasks into manageable chunks and give yourself credit for completing them. You’re doing a great job! In the height of this pandemic and always, self-care is an extremely important consideration. If you are feeling particularly stressed or anxious at this unusual time, be sure to take time out of your day to relax, to do something you enjoy and definitely don’t be afraid to say no to requests that are too much! Our own health and that of others must be the priority. More news Keep reading View all articles Using a custom domain for your business’ email address Why dark mode is more than just a design trend Close
Using a custom domain for your business’ email address Why dark mode is more than just a design trend