Concurrent Technologies Manufacturer of dynamic processor boards & software solutions A brochure website was required to help generate high-quality enquiries whilst providing useful information Concurrent Technologies required with a technology focused website with a corporate feel. Concurrent Technologies are responsible for the design and manufacture of processor boards and software for a vast range of applications, including military, aerospace, communication and science divisions since 1985. Our primary task was to produce a website representative of their dynamic brand that could be explored by an individual from any background, looking for processors for a variety of purposes. It was key that the user experience was straightforward, whilst allowing for a platform that would deliver a large amount of content in a digestible format. When designing for such vast and important industries, it was vital to ensure clarity was our core focus. Our role Website designTechnical support Visit the site Coding for the industryBuilt to lastWith Concurrent Technologies establishing themselves as experts in embedded computer and IT solutions, it was vital that this was reflected during the development stage of the project. Following the design to the pixel, our design and development teams worked cohesively to ensure animation and hover states give Concurrent Technologies an edge over their online competitors. Project teamDaniel, Matt, Richard, Jamie, Elliot, Andy